Thursday, August 21, 2008


Luke's new car seat arrived yesterday and it came in a great big box. What more fun can there be? Liam started dragging it around, rolling it over on all sides and beating on it like a drum. And then I suggested to him that it could be a house. Well, that was it. He climbed right inside until I dragged him out for dinner. This morning I cut out a door and windows and he was in absolute heaven. He even ate his lunch in it. When I put Luke down on the floor nearby, he immediately hauled himself over to it and squealed for his brother. The two of them playing together is just the best. I don't think I even got the best footage - when Luke tried to get inside and Liam tried to shut the door on him.

Monday, August 11, 2008

The Nurturer

We've known all along that Liam is a truly sweet child and now he is showing us just how much. He has grown quite fond of his stuffed bunny and has begun to take care of him like we take care of his baby brother Luke. A few weeks ago he started taking the changing mat, wipe box and a diaper out of my bag and laying bunny down on the mat. He then pulls one wipe out of the box and wipes bunny down with it. He can't really manage to get the diaper on him so he puts it on top of him and comes to get me to do it. He also puts bunny in the highchair to feed him and calls him "kiki" which is what he calls Luke. The topper was last week though when he disappeared and started saying loudly "ba ba" which means bath. Daddy got up to see where he was and found him in the bathroom holding bunny by the ears - in the toilet. Bunny got a bath alright - straight into the washing machine.