Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Signs of Fall

The Head of the Charles was this past weekend and the boys spent a great deal of time working with their mother at HOCR central during last week. On Wednesday afternoon, the visiting Olympians from New Zealand were there while Liam was running around. They were absolutely amazed by Liam's new light-up sneakers. Do they not have them down under?

On Saturday, the boys were with Daddy at the course socializing with the crowds of people lining the banks of the Charles and Liam yelled "Go Rich!" for 'Uncle' Rich who was racing by in his single.

The weekend before the Charles I took some "Fall" pictures of Luke.

Play? Or is it?

Every day the boys are playing together more and more. Liam is still not happy about sharing his toys and Luke is still trying to grab everything his brother has but they truly seem to have a good time together. They especially like to wrestle. I'm not sure where they learned that but I am guessing it's an inate boy thing. Luke is the one who generally initiates it by going over to Liam and getting in his face. It usually starts off fine - they are both laughing - but it nearly always ends with Luke falling over, cracking his head on the floor and crying. I suspect in about 6 months Liam may be the one to end up on the sorry side.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Keep it coming

Luke loves to feed himself. He is always much happier eating when it is something he can put in his mouth instead of being fed to him on a spoon. If I want to get something into him with a spoon, I make sure he's got something in his hand as well and just sneak it in. Beside cheerios, he like pieces of banana and string cheese, rice, beans and peas.

Last week we noticed that Luke would start getting fussy for no apparent reason - all his needs like naps, bottles, and meals were being met - or so we thought. I finally thought to give him a snack of cheerios in his highchair and he went town, polishing them off in a few minutes.

Hmmm...snacks! This kid needs snacks!

I figured he was so good with his hands he could handle one of Liam's Snack Trap cups (It has a perforated lid that kids can put hands in to get the snack without the snack spilling out.) and he figured it out immediately. He loves it! I attached it to his car seat on Friday and I could hear him eating and making umm umm noises. I looked in my rearview and saw that his eyes were closed. He was sleep eating!