Monday, June 23, 2008

Armenian Picnic

On Sunday we went to visit cousin Haig in the Armenian Nursing Home in Jamaica Plain for their annual picnic. Armenians love picnics and I remember as a child going to Waverly Oaks in Belmont where lots (hundreds?) of Armenians would gather to eat shish kebab and pilaf. My mother tells me that they used to have giant picnics with thousands of people probably up to the 70s. Anyway, this was kind of a modified picnic, being at a nursing home. They has some tents set up in the parking lot and volunteers did the cooking for the residents and visiting families.

Best of all, there was a group of Armenian musicians playing traditional music. As soon as they started playing, Liam's face lit up and he watched in awe. He especially loved the dumbeg (drum) player who played just for him, made duck noises in his microphone and during a break let Liam play his dumbeg. Later a man got up and did some Armenian dancing and Grandma and Liam joined him. Luke hung out in the stroller and seemed to take it all in. It was a fun, fun day.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

6 Months!

Luke's 6-month birthday was this past Sunday and he had lots going on. First, I had decided a few weeks ago to wean him. It all went according to my plan so that on Sunday, Luke was shut off completely. He didn't seem to miss it at all. In fact, he is sucking down formula like he has been out in the dessert for a month. He can go through 9 ounces in about 5 minutes flat and would happily keep going if I let him. Sunday I also decided to add another meal into his schedule thinking that was why he was sucking down so much formula. Um...yeah. He is still drinking a ton and enjoying his food too!

Our doctor's office did not schedule a 6-month visit (we are going at 8 months instead) so I weighed him myself. He is just shy of 19lbs. I have no idea how long he is, maybe 26.5 or 27 inches but that will have to wait until our next appointment. Anyway, 19 lbs is 75th percentile. If he didn't puke so much he would probably weigh well over 20 lbs!

Monday, June 9, 2008

A little this and a little that

A couple of weekends ago, we visited our friends the Carlstoms for a bbq. Ava was also there and she and Liam played very nicely together as he was able to hold off her agressive advances toward whatever he was holding. I think Liam's favorite game in the playhouse was "open and shut" with the door. Always the gentleman, Liam held the door for Ava.

Last week we went to a special ceremony where grandma received an an honor at work. She got a pen and a handshake and her grandsons were there to cheer for her.

A few weeks back we met our friend Martha, who was visiting from Minnesota, at the Vic. She sent us this picture of Liam ordering extra bacon. It's amazing how well Liam does when he is out at restaurants. I hear horror stories of toddlers misbehaving and being miserable in restaurants but Liam has always been an easy child to take out. I think it's because he is so sociable. So far Luke has been easy too although we haven't taken him out all that much.

Luke will be 6 months old on Sunday and I'll post his stats after his doctor's appointment which is not yet scheduled. He loves to roll onto his tummy and can spend quite a while playing that way. He pushes his arms straight against the floor and he is able to keep his head up and look around. He has also become distracto boy. Any noise or movement nearby and he turns to see what's going on. Bottle feeding is easier than nursing when he is like this because at least you can move the bottle with him. Nursing, not so much. Thank goodness he is weaning pretty easily. I am moving to 2 (from 3) nursing sessions per day today.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Double the fun

Yesterday was a fun day - once we got out of the house. Every Sunday, we have had an open house to try to sell the condo. Getting ready for it is extremely stressful with a toddler and a baby and all their stuff. The place has to be spic and span with EVERYTHING put away and out of sight. That means no toys, pack-n-plays, or diaper pails among just about everything else we need to live with. We never get to enjoy our Sunday mornings. No lazing about drinking coffee and reading the paper. Instead, we strap Liam in the highchair and feed him munchkins while we go on high gear to get everything perfect and then the whole family packed into the car before any child can undo what we have just done. Basically, it sucks.

Yesterday we went through all that and got in the car. Since it was a beautiful day we decided to go to Castle Island in Southie. We got hotdogs at Sully's and strolled around Fort Independence. You cannot actually go into the fort because it is "too dangerous" as we were told be the lovely old ladies at the door. By that point anyway, Liam was dying to get out of the stroller so we got him out and he walked with us for probably a mile! He loved every minute, There were boats zooming around the harbor and airplanes taking off from Logan every few minutes. A little boy's dream. I forgot to get my camera out so I don't have any pictures from our day.

On the way home we stopped at our storage locker and got Liam's old Exersaucer, which was a hand-me-down from my sister. It's missing a few toys but I don't think that matters. The minute I put Luke in it, it was instant entertainment - for Luke AND Liam. They can actually play together for the first time.

Luke is 5 1/2 months old and I am officially starting the weaning process TODAY. My goal is to have him completely on formula by his 6 month birthday.