Like any 2 year old, Liam has his obsessions. Trains are probably his number one right now with Thomas the Tank Engine leading the way. A very close second however is Trash. Liam loves the trash truck, the recycling truck and trash in general. Since he was very little he would love to watch the trash truck come down the street from our window. That progressed to watching from the front stoop. At some point the trash collectors started to beep and wave at him and then to stop their work to come over and say hello. Then they started bringing presents of broken toys they had rescued from the trash. Liam was in love.

Now Liam owns more than several toy trash and recycling trucks and a couple of books about garabage trucks to boot. Recently he has started finding spots on the sofa to throw his toys into as if it was the back of a trash truck just like his buddies the trash collectors. Yesterday he got a hold of a kitchen trash bag (clean) and put all his blocks in it. He has been tugging it around the house yelling "trash!"