He has not had any of the adjustment issues that everyone (including our pediatrician) said he would have. In fact, he gives the baby kisses about 20 times a day. I am willing to bet that, now 10 days after we brought Luke home, Liam does not remember a time when Luke wasn't in the picture.
Christmas was pretty exhausting, not because we were running around like crazy but because one 15 1/2 month old decided not to go along with mommy and daddy's plan to incorporate family nap time into the middle of the day. Liam didn't nap so no one else did either and after being up with a newborn all night it would have been very helpful. The lack of napping didn't bode well for the late afternoon trip out to Worcester. Liam screamed all the way there because he was grumpy and it was dinner time. He had eaten a late lunch just before we left so we didn't think to pack snacks. But being a Virgo, the kid is like clockwork. He needed dinner and he needed it NOW. Thankfully dinner was just being served when we got there and Liam was back to his usual social self soon after.