Thursday, December 27, 2007

So Far So Good

Liam loves his little brother!
He has not had any of the adjustment issues that everyone (including our pediatrician) said he would have. In fact, he gives the baby kisses about 20 times a day. I am willing to bet that, now 10 days after we brought Luke home, Liam does not remember a time when Luke wasn't in the picture.

Christmas was pretty exhausting, not because we were running around like crazy but because one 15 1/2 month old decided not to go along with mommy and daddy's plan to incorporate family nap time into the middle of the day. Liam didn't nap so no one else did either and after being up with a newborn all night it would have been very helpful. The lack of napping didn't bode well for the late afternoon trip out to Worcester. Liam screamed all the way there because he was grumpy and it was dinner time. He had eaten a late lunch just before we left so we didn't think to pack snacks. But being a Virgo, the kid is like clockwork. He needed dinner and he needed it NOW. Thankfully dinner was just being served when we got there and Liam was back to his usual social self soon after.

Meanwhile Luke slept his way through the day...

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Little Brother Luke

Liam was joined by his little brother Luke Aram nearly 2 weeks before his due date. We are all thrilled because momma was getting pretty ready to take drastic measures ala Joy from My Name is Earl.

Daddy and Liam hung out with new brother Luke at the hospital. Apparently Liam has lost his pants but gained a new winter hat.

Liam also got a fantastic camera out of the deal because everyone told us he would be terribly jealous unless we got him a special toy. Not a chance. Liam has no real sense of how a new baby is going to impact him. He lives in the moment and doesn't really think anything has changed all that much. I'm not sure that he even realized that momma was gone for a couple of days. He had a blast with the neighbors on Saturday morning when we went to the hospital and then he got to hang out with Grandma until Daddy came home to get him. All fun for him!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Liam meets Santa!

I took Liam on his first visit to Santa this afternoon. I had no idea how this would go. Well, I guess it had to go only one of two ways. Either he would smile happily at Santa and the pictures would be lovely or he would cry and the pictures would be hysterical. He went for option #2.
I suppose I should have known this would be his reaction. He had been happy-zappy boy all day long and even when we got to CBC where Santa was visiting, Liam was thrilled with all the other kids, the balloons, and the Christmas lights. He was even patient while we waited in line for a good 15-20 minutes and nearing dinnertime. Maybe I should have gotten him a cookie. The minute we sat down next to Santa it was all over. He wouldn't even let go of me to sit on Santa's lap. He was not a happy camper.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Liam (aka The Littlest Gigg)

Since it took me until my firstborn was 15 months old to start this project, here's a little refresher. Liam was born September 3rd, 2006 and looking back now its hard to believe he was such a wee thing. But at 8lbs 2oz he seems tiny compared to now.

Today, he is probably over 24 lbs (his 15 month appointment is next week so we'll know for sure) and he is definitely a little boy now instead of a baby. He has a great disposition and is extremely outgoing and social and loves to flirt with everyone he meets. He is a happy kid most of the time except when his impatience takes over. (He gets that trait mostly from me although I'd have to say neither of his parents are particularly patient people.)

He took his first steps the day before Thanksgiving and has really progressed since then. Now he is practically running! Ok, he really looks like a drunken soldier waving his arms around for balance. If he's in a hurry he will still default to crawling but every day he gets more and more confident walking.