Thursday, January 17, 2008

Grandma's House

With both a blizzard coming on Monday and Daddy leaving for a business trip to Sweden, we decided the best plan would be to pack us all up and head to Grandma's house for a few days. She lives only 20 minutes away but with the lack of parking in the city, we would have been pretty much snowed in at home with no one to help with Luke's night feedings. We said goodbye to Daddy Sunday evening after a wonderful baby shower for our new friend Max (3 weeks older than Luke!) that was held at our little friend Ava's house (see video later in post) and headed to Grandma's.

While we were there Liam discovered the piano in the living room. It is miserably out of tune but that just did not matter. Liberace lives!!!!

A few piano lessons may be in order.

And speaking of Liam's friend Ava...she may be 7 months younger but when she came to visit recently she was pretty determined to get his drink from him. She's a cute little one with no fear whatsoever!

1 comment:

rootaberger said...

I think a few lessons are in order, though, he does seem to have a natural talent... :)