Yesterday was Luke's 3-month birthday. I don't know precisely how big he is but I can tell you he is way too big for the stupid 1-2 diapers I bought at Costco. They are supposed to be good up to 15 lbs but either they lie or Luke is ginormous. (He's wearing some 6-9 month clothes.) The damn diapers won't even stay closed around his tummy. I had to give 2/3 of the box away and bought a giant box of Huggies today. The Huggies are supposed to be good up to 18 lbs so I'm crossing my fingers we can finish this box before he outgrows them as well.

Luke is the easiest baby ever. He rarely cries and when he does its only to say he is hungry and then his lower lip comes up - its wicked cute. Is it wrong to laugh at one's baby when they are crying? Seriously though, he's so good. Last night I fed him at 9:30 pm and he woke up at 5:30 this morning and only because Liam was making a racket. The last few days he has been absolutely ravenous, so much so that if he continues like that, I may have to put him on the bottle. It's pretty draining to nurse him for an entire hour and then have him starving again an hour and a half later. Hopefully its only a growth spurt.
Luke is defintely the sucker of the two boys. Liam was not into a pacifier after the first month or so. Luke LOVES his pacifier and recently found that his hand works well too.
1 comment:
Ah! Look at that big round belly! Could he BE any cuter??
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