Thursday, May 22, 2008

Pack N Play

We finally moved Luke into the pack and play which we set up behind the dining table. (Not much dining actually is done at the table - Liam eats in his highchair and sadly, we generally eat on the sofa.) In the mornings Liam usually likes to have mommy to himself and is not all that happy when I go to get his brother. THIS morning, he wanted to get in the pack and play with his brother and play with him! It wasn't all fun and games though. Note the hand bearing heavily down on Luke's chest.

We spent a few days this week at grandma's house where I found a "jolly jumper" in an upstairs room. I hooked it up and put Luke in it assuming it had been used for my sisters kids, Quincy and Chloe. I called my sister while Luke was happily bouncing around in it and she told me that "Oh no!" it had not been hers. "Kids fracture their legs in those things!" I took some video of Luke having a jolly time in the contraption before taking him out and packing it away. Unfortunately, I must not have hit record or something because nothing was there when I went back to look. Maybe there was a reason for that...!

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