Wednesday, July 8, 2009
The 4th of July
Luke firmly deciding that he does not like swimming in the lake:
(Note that Daddy is laughing. )
Liam enjoying his swimming lesson:
Crazy waves!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Is it Summer Yet?
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Road Trip!
Friday, May 1, 2009's been a long time!
I didn't realize it has been quite this long since my last post. So much to update. First the official St Patrick's Day photo:
The boys both recently had growth spurts. Liam, who I swear had weighed 29.5 for the last year, is now finally 30.5! It seemed to happen overnight. Liam is 2 1/2 and has become fascinated with playing baseball. He likes to wear his glove and pretend he is a pitcher with his leg up and out to the side in a windup position. He also uses this same leg position when he does his break dance move on the floor.
Luke is now 16 months and really is a toddler now. (Where did my baby go?) His physical dexterity is amazing. He can walk in a circle backward! He loves to dance to music and just recently picked up a toy microphone and made beatbox noises into it. Several months ago he started saying "sspp" for the word spoon. Now he is saying mama, dada, doggie, duck, up and a few other things.
This picture says it all. Luke still loves to eat. And he does it with joy and gusto.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Liam's First Trip to the Barber
I was worried that Liam would have a difficult time with the whole experience but to my amazement he sat in the chair very bravely and held still for the whole haircut. Pat, I have to admit, is a genius when it comes to giving first-time haircuts. He gave Liam a hockey puck to hold in one hand and a golf ball with a pirate on it to hold in the other. He spoke very nicely and gently to him and showed him how the buzzer tickled. Liam even giggled when he trimmed the back with it. On the way home when we stopped at the supermarket Liam proudly told the woman at the register that he had been to the barber.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
The Funny Man
Thursday, February 19, 2009
I Love Trash
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Yummy Yum Yum
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Christmas at last!
The first big gift was a new toy chest painted like a fire engine for their bedroom. This of course is mommy and daddy's present really since gets the toys out of the laundry hamper in front of the tv in the living room. The other gift was a small train/activity table complete with train tracks and train and legos to use on the other side. It was an immediate hit!
Later, it was off to Grandma Katherine's where Liam got to play with cousins Quincy and Chloe. Before dinner they decided that under the table was the place to be! Uncle Ben gave Liam a little blue Thomas the Tank Engine which now goes everywhere Liam goes.
Then, a trip out to Worcester to Uncle Frank's house for more presents and a look at some pictures with Mia and Aunt Martha.The day after Christmas Liam and I took a trip with Grandma, Aunt Weatherly, Uncle Hunter and Cousins Quincy and Chloe to Edaville Railroad. At the holidays the train drives through a large display of Christmas lights. Liam, being the choo choo fanatic that he is, was completely overjoyed and amazed by the whole thing.