Thursday, December 4, 2008

Almost One!

Its really unbelievable that Luke will be one in just a few weeks. I feel like his infanthood has gone alot faster than Liam's. I suppose that's for a few reasons, mainly second child syndrome. With the first child you spend alot of time obsessing about every little detail. With the second kid, you've been there and done that so every milestone is not quite the big deal it was the first time around.

Of course Luke is not suffering at all. He has quite a strong personality all his own. He will grab anything Liam is playing with and if he sees anyone eating anything he will demand to have some too. If he doesn't get his way he will cry. The good news is, he is an excellent eater. He has been feeding himself for months and will eat EVERYTHING put in front of him. I have never ever seen him choose not to eat something in particular unless he is full. (And sometimes I wonder if he eating after he is full much like a dog.) Liam on the other hand was more difficult to feed as a baby and would often not eat something that he had eaten previously. He still is picky about what he eats and often doesn't seem to eat as much as Luke does. I can always count of Luke to finish his own meal and PLUS Liam's leftovers.

The last few weeks have been busy with Thanksgiving among other things. We spent the holiday in Worcester and the boys enjoyed spending time with their "Mia" and aunts, uncles and cousins. The picture shows Mia giving Liam cake or potatoes. She loves feeding him both!

We also have had some fun playdates with Ava Scannell who brought Liam his first playdoh and then joined the boys for a bath. Since then Liam has requested her presence at every bath. We will definitely be using the photos to blackmail them when they are 16.

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